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Prof. Rita Santos-Rocha – wykłady otwarte

Zakład Pielęgniarstwa Położniczo-Ginekologicznego GUMed zaprasza na otwarte wykłady prof. Rity Santos-Rochy które odbędą się w dniach 6 oraz 13 i 14 grudnia 2023 r. w formie online. Wydarzenie przeznaczone jest zarówno studentów jak i pracowników GUMed. Studenci chcący wziąć udział w wykładach zobowiązani są do zapisania się. Zapisy dostępne są na stronie:

Inicjatywa realizowana jest w ramach projektu POWER.03.05.00-22-Z082/18.

Bezpośredni link do webinraów

Tematyka spotkań

Webinar 6 grudnia 2023 r. w godz. 9:00-10:45
Session 1 – updated guidelines on physical activity for pregnant women and link to research and practice

  • Benefits of physical activity during pregnancy
  • Guidelines for physical activity during pregnancy
  • Guidelines for promotion, screening, testing, and exercise prescription

Webinar 6 grudnia 2023 r. w godz. 11:00-12:45
Session 2 – updated guidelines on physical activity for postpartum women and link to research and practice

  • Benefits of physical activity during the postpartum period
  • Guidelines for physical activity during the postpartum period
  • Guidelines for promotion, screening, testing, and exercise prescription

Webinar 13 grudnia 2023 r. w godz. 11:00-12:45
Session 3 – updated guidelines on physical activity for pregnant and postpartum athletes and link to research and practice

  • Guidelines for exercise for the pregnant woman athlete
  • Guidelines for promotion, screening, testing, and exercise prescription
  • Main risks of physical activity

Webinar 14 grudnia 2023 r. w godz. 9:00-10:45
Session 4 – promoting effective pregnancy and postpartum exercise interventions for maternal health and fitness: the active pregnancy project

  • Features of the Active Pregnancy multidimensional project
  • Linking multidisciplinary research, education, and practice
  • Active Pregnancy subprojects: multicenter RCT and APP

Sylwetka prelegenta

Rita Santos-Rocha, born in Lisbon, Portugal in July 1971, began her professional career as a gymnastics and fitness instructor, in 1989, in Portugal. She has been working with pregnant and postpartum women since 1991. She started her research and higher education career at ESDRM the Sport Sciences School of Rio Maior – Polytechnic Institute of Santarém in 1998, and at CIPER the Interdisciplinary Centre for the Study of Human Performance – Faculty of Human Kinetics (FMH) – University of Lisbon in 2006.

Currently, she is an Associate Professor with Habilitation at ESDRM and a founding member of the SPRINT Sport Physical Activity and health Research and Innovation CenTer, Portugal. She holds the academic degrees of BSc Sport Sciences, MSc Exercise and Health, PhD Health and Fitness, and Habilitation in Physical Activity and Health – Exercise Testing and Prescription during Pregnancy, from FMH. Her main courses are: Exercise Testing & Prescription, Public Health & Physical Activity, and Research Methods in Sports, with emphasis on Exercise in Pregnancy & Postpartum. Her main research interests are: impact of effective supervised exercise programs on fitness, functionality, and health of pregnant/postpartum women; exercise professionals’ competencies; and physical activity and health promotion.

She is Vice-President of APFE the Portuguese Association of Exercise Physiologists, and she has been involved in the development of EuropeActive’s Standards and Profiles for the Fitness Sector, particularly the Pregnancy and Postpartum Exercise Specialist, the Graduate Exercise Professional, and the Clinical Exercise Professional, since 2010. She is the editor of the first international multidisciplinary Springer textbook Exercise and Physical Activity during Pregnancy and Postpartum. Her publications and projects can be found in and


Czas i miejsce:

2023-12-13, 2023-12-14

9:00-14:45, 11:00-12:45

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